Научно-исследов. и инновац. работа

As a company totally oriented towards R+D+I and aware of the temptation to make grandiloquent statements such as those that can be read in these sections on websites, at MCG we simply limit ourselves to the facts:

  • 2010: F640 / Unique and revolutionary seaming machine in the World that for a few years now revolutionized irregular can seaming in a way offering speeds over 400 cpm.
  • Machines that allow automatic height adjustment of the entire machine and not just the the seaming Pulley.
  • Design of a revolutionary progressive clincher that allows to guarantee the productions offered without problems with or without over packs.
  • 2018: F425 / Updated version of our irregular can seamer model that is currently working above 250 cpm with only 4 heads.
  • 2019: F320 / Unique irregular can seamer in the World that has newly revolutionized the possibilities in can seaming, offering speeds of over 200 cpm with only 3 closing heads when the rest of the market continues to use a design that dates back to the 70s.
  • 2019: RP Series - “Stationary Can” seamer for round cans: Presentation of a complete range of “Bote Parado” sealers, reaching speeds up to 850 lpm, thus responding to the needs of optimizing costs and presenting different products.
  • 2022: Patent (Utility model) for the design and for the exclusive marketing of a seaming pulley for non round cans that allows seaming thinner containers with higher tempers without sacrificing the capacity of the seamer and allowing for a reduction in wrinkles of up to 80 % when compared to the current standards.

We will continue with our R+D+I and we promise that we will limit ourselves to the facts.


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